Data that drives business decisions

Having the right tools in place before and during an active sales and marketing strategy is key to success



Measuring your marketing and advertising ROI is critical to your business growth. We offer our knowledge and service as an extension of your team, allowing your company to pivot when needed, capitalize on opportunities, and understand clear data points that can support or change your sales and marketing trajectory.

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics (GA) is a web analytics tool that provides in-depth insight into your website and online performance. Google Analytics offers levels of complexity; the more you want out of it, the more beneficial it will be to the growth of your business.


User Experience

Implementation of an effective Google Analytics process and reporting system can increase productivity, accuracy, and timely decisions that affect your business. Business development, sales, and marketing teams have the advantage by knowing if they are reaching their goals, and when to pivot to quickly make decisions that count.

Benefits of Analytics

  • Understand user behavior
  • Offline to online tracking
  • Improve online advertising
  • Improve SEO
  • Conversion tracking
  • Find your target audience
  • Improves website performance
chart up

Marketing Measurement Models

Google Analytics provides an enormous amount of information about your user's online activity. Often we find business owners become overwhelmed by the amount of information provided and how it relates to meeting their goals, or increasing their bottom line. It isn't enough to know the number of unique sessions and bounce rates.

  • Goal setting
  • Goal funnels
  • Funnel visualization
  • In-page analytics
  • Custom variable
  • Segmentation
  • Tagging


Advanced Reporting

Google Analytics reporting is critical in today's digital age. As a business owner, sales manager, or marketing director, the knowledge gained in areas such as how your website is performing, where your users are coming from, and how many goal conversions, to name a few, are vital to business growth.

Analytics Reporting

  • Basic key metrics web analytics
  • Advanced analytics & segmentation
  • Data Studio Reports
  • Custom analytics measurement models

What our clients are saying

"Results were immediate, amazing and the improvement in the user experience was awesome!"

Maria Colaluca

Head of Digital Marketing, MindHandle

"The Measurement Model made the experience that much easier by ensuring everyone is held accountable to decisions made and targets identified."

Dean Hensley

Director of Marketing, Eclipsemed

"Content strategy for the websites have been an incredible user experience."

Maria Colaluca

Head of Digital Marketing, MindHandle


Google Analytics Certified

Why Google Analytics? The more relevant data of the channels you have, the more opportunities for optimization, new ideas, and gaining an understanding of how connected everything is in comparison to your business goals.

Google Analytics integrates with other Google services perfectly, and if you’re using other Google-based services for marketing, GA will be essential to track their performance.

Only with web data and knowing exactly how your actions perform can you increase the return on investment of your website, digital sales funnels and marketing/sales initiatives.



Switch from Google Analytics Universal to GA4 Now

GA4 (Google Analytics 4) will replace Google Universal Analytics on July 1, 2023. If you have not already made the switch and have been wondering about the best time, we recommend you do it now to start learning its increased capabilities – and what features no longer will be available.